

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Suicide Squad's The Joker & Harley Quinn Fever!

yakkk.. udah lama gw gak ngeblog, maafkan :") kali ini mau bahas Suicide Squad ahhh~~~ siapa yg belom nonton Suicide Squad?!

kalo belom nonton, buruan nonton! ada gue tuh sama pacar gue tuh (read: Harley Quinn & Joker) HAHAHA gadeng canda. tapi dulu gue sama pacar gw pernah dandan ala2 Joker-HQ lohhhhh buat narik pengunjung pas komunitas gue ada event hahahaha

yak, anyway, gw gak akan bahas review soal film Suicide Squad ini, kalian bisa baca sendiri tulisan temen gw aja di sini. gw cuma akan bahas mengenai si Joker & Harley Quinn dan demam anak2 yg habis nonton Suicide Squad kemudian mengidolakan relationship-nya Joker & Harley Quinn.

apakah the real relationship mereka berdua seromantis yg kalian liat di film? apakah karakter Harley Quinn itu sendiri segemas dan seseksi itu?

well, sejak film Suicide Squad keluar, jadi banyak cewek2 yg mengidolakan Harley Quinn yg hot & seksi itu (alah telat, kemane aje si pada baru sukanya skr? #songong #oops) & Joker yg jd ganteng banget itu. dan jadi banyak yg 'worship' relationship-nya HQ-Joker, terutama remaja2 labil. hmmm...

Suicide Squad reflects Joker and Harley Quinn as a crazy chaotic psychotic couple whose deeply in love, and makes them as a #RelationshipGoals.

but hey, do you guys reaaallyyyy know about them, especially HQ? ya oke di SS diceritain dikit kalo HQ pas masih jadi Dr. Harleen Francis Quinzel tuh psikiatrisnyanya Joker di Arkham Asylum yg berubah jadi madly deeply desperately in love sama si Joker. but really, do you guys seriously know the real situation that happened at that time?
Joker dengan pintar & hebatnya mampu memanipulasi si HQ sampe bisa crazy in love & ngejadiin HQ tuh peliharaannya dia. Joker cuma perduli sama dirinya sendiri & mempergunakan HQ utk mencapai hal2 yg dia mau. Joker gak segan2 untuk terus2an torture HQ. gak seromantis di SS sampe mau nyebur ke tangki isi bahan kimia & kissing her passionately (catet!).

dan mirisnya adalah... HQ bener2 percaya bahwa Joker loves her as much as she does when he actually abuses her, and he's just as vicious to her as he is to everyone else. Joker is verbally and physically abusive, yet she never leaves him because she believes he loves her as much as she loves him. TRAGIC. 

so, their relationship is metaphor of domestic violence. their relationship isn't love; it's abuse. Harley hurts herself for Joker, when Joker tortures her very very bad. are you sure you wanna have a relationship like them? think twice. HQ gak se-fun, se-hot & se-sexy yg kalian liat di film. Joker juga gak seromantis & seganteng di film. jadi, harapan gw sik relationship-nya Joker-HQ ya jangan dijadiin #RelationshipGoals karena relationship mereka tak seindah yg terlihat di Suicide Squad... kalo cuma cosplay2 atau bikin makeup look boleh lah, tapi jangan dicontoh karakternya ya.

kalo menurut kalian gimana? :)

nah, menurut gw pribadi, HQ sendiri tuh gila tapi gak bodoh. HQ tuh tipe karakter yg selalu berusaha utk pursue everything she wants in life and she wants to achieve more. dia cinta kebebasan utk melakukan apapun yg dia mau yg dia suka demi Joker, tapi doi krisis identitas. HQ gak tau apa yg mau dia capai selain yg diperintah sama Joker. dan cara dia utk define herself adalah melalui obsesi dia terhadap Joker. tapi HQ sendiri punya strong sense of compassion and loyalty towards people in her life, makanya dia gak benci Joker meski Joker udah sedemikian rupa jahatin dia. HQ hanyalah HQ yg terobsesi dengan hidup & kebebasan, tapi dia gak tau caranya mewujudkan ide2 dia utk mencapai 'fulfilled life' yg dia mau. HQ ya korban Joker yg psikopat.

jadi, kalo ditanya kenapa gue suka banget HQ, karena dia lucu & gemessss secara appearance (HQ klasik loh ya bukan HQ-nya Margot Robbie). tapi kalo gw diposisikan jadi HQ ya gak mau lah ya... gw suka banget karena dia tulus banget cinta sama Joker, tapi di satu sisi juga gw kesel kenapa dia rela-relain dirinya disiksa Joker. 

gw fans HQ, tapi gak die hard fans. kenapa? karena gw sendiri gak baca komiknya & nonton kartunnya juga cuma sepotong2 hahaha gw cuma koleksi action figure & barang2 berbau HQ. pure suka HQ karena ya dia HQ. tapi setidaknya gw cari tau background HQ terlebih dahulu~

but hey, gw tetep suka HQ di Suicide Squad kok hahaha Margot Robbie is sexy & hot as heeeelllll! she nailed it!


love makes us do crazy things. and for the bubbly and psychotic Harley Quinn, that includes dressing in costume, becoming a super-villain, carrying gag-themed weaponry, and murdering countless civilians—all just to put a smile on her puddin's face. — DC Comics


  1. ecieeeeee Tia akhirnya post lagi ^^ tapi sumpeh, gw kaga nyambung sama apalah ini~


  2. makanya nonton siiss! wkwkwkwk

  3. Sekarang dibuat Joker yang tergila-gila sama Harley, imej baru boo,,, xixixi


    1. yoi hahaha tak apa lah, terkadang film & komik memang harus beda wkwk


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